Posts Tagged ‘library’

Alzheimer's diseaseCats

January 18, 2018

Signs of Life

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Even though I can barely take the news any longer, I’ve gotten into a self-perpetuating loop of being unable to look away; I keep checking the headlines. It’s trauma. It’s the kid (me) who didn’t want to leave the house because she was afraid of what might happen in her absence. It’s the cat who  Read the Rest…

Ah, Humanity

September 12, 2011

Casualties and Fortunes of Language

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I love the library.  Librarians are right up there with pharmacists as people who are completely on my side.  They are my advocates against censorship and insurance companies, respectively.  So I don’t want to turn around and censor librarians but I have to wonder what exactly they are thinking with some peculiar signs I have  Read the Rest…