April 29, 2013
Tags: All Hail the Power, Bach, Brubeck, Jesus, Oliver Holden, Scrabble, UCC
In a grumpy mood on Sunday morning, I realized that I seldom project my gray side at church. I am a one-woman side show whom everyone knows because I play the piano, direct the choir and occasionally sing. I am always smiling, always say hello to everyone, and always listen to what people tell me Read the Rest…
September 26, 2012
Tags: Jesus, nobody knows you when you're down and out, parable
Nobody knows you when you’re down and out. Shakespeare’s psychological insight in this play interests me more than some obvious parallels with what goes on in our political and religious discourse so I am going to stick to that and leave the cheap shots to someone else. In the fourth act, Timon says “I am Read the Rest…