December 29, 2020
I’ll begin by saying I am not a fan of New Year’s resolutions. I think they are a set-up. Or a greeting card invention. And I find the first of January arbitrary. Out of curiosity I looked up a history of New Year’s resolutions. They appeared to have begun 4000 years ago with the ancient Read the Rest…
December 18, 2020
I used to call “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” the alcoholic’s Christmas carol because of the line about “next year all our troubles will be out of sight.” Pure denial, fantastical thinking. Wasn’t that mean of me? It’s a perfect song for this year and I regret my former attitude. If you’re not busy Read the Rest…
October 22, 2019
Wendy, Sue and I set out for Cornwall early afternoon and I got a feel for the pattern of the days. Everything is a reason to stop for a cup of tea and probably a slice of cake. (The English have a real gift of the cake.) I think our first stop was to celebrate Read the Rest…
March 19, 2019
Tags: All Present, The OK Chorale
How like a winter has this quarter been, like a winter.* It’s been unseasonably cold and has gone on for too long. Taxes loomed over everything, as always until one gets them done, making January even more dreary than it already is. God bless the Capricorns, they can’t help it. I wasn’t especially excited about Read the Rest…
June 24, 2018
Tags: The Sandpiper Beach Resort
The summer solstice can be a fuddling time, what with the veil between the worlds and all. It’s really mid-summer, you know, not the beginning. But I don’t need to rock on that horse for this post. Much better to just relate the adventures of the past few days. My birthday is solstice adjacent, which Read the Rest…
June 20, 2018
I had a lovely birthday, thank you. I am now 64. There’s no more “when I’m.” My friend and college roommate, The Very Miss Mary-Ellis Lacey who is actually now a Mrs. Adams, sent me a birthday card just before she and her husband left on a Rhenish cruise. (Yeah, look that one up.) Mary-Ellis Read the Rest…
December 31, 2017
Tags: All Present, Dibble House, Phinney Neighborhood Center, The OK Chorale
On this last day of a moody year, I think it would be a good exercise for me to review all the good things about the spin cycle of the last month, otherwise known as the holiday season. The holidays begin in October when I start the fall quarter of the OK Chorale and All Read the Rest…
December 15, 2017
Tags: All Present, Christmas carols, Piano, Singing, Teaching
I’ve been feeling a little wassail drunk with music this season. I usually look forward to it and don’t mind the iterations of Hark, the Herald Angel and his pals like Round John Virgin. After all, it’s only for a month out of the year, two and half if you’re a musician. The Chorale started Read the Rest…
November 22, 2017
Tags: Cats, Dibble House, Gwen, Thanksgiving
I’ve got malaise. It’s partly due to the way it doesn’t get light in the morning, it gets gray. It’s partly due to having come off an exceptional burst of creative energy in which I sang the Queen of the Night, finished my first novel and helped put together a second volume of the All Read the Rest…
December 29, 2016
Tags: The OK Chorale, Whidbey Island
I’m up on Whidbey Island writing a novel. I have no idea how to write a novel. This novel actually began in 1997 with a very long short story that I thought would develop itself. I thought a novel would spool from my imagination without my having to think about anything like structure or an Read the Rest…