Archive for the ‘Friends’ Category
December 24, 2014
Tags: All Present, figgy pudding, Greenwood Senior Center, Holiday Feast for a Hungry Choir, JIngle Bells, Lee G Barrow, O Holy Night, Ocho Candelikas, The OK Chorale
The All Present/OK Chorale Holiday Concert and Cookie Exchange took place over the weekend. The actual Cookie Exchange was demoted to Cookie Potluck as in the end no one had the stomach for the politics of a formal cookie exchange. “Whose idea was this cookie exchange anyway?” asked Susan, my lovely assistant with All Present Read the Rest…
December 16, 2014
Tags: Dibble House, Green Lake, The OK Chorale
It’s been two weeks since I’ve written. If you follow my blog, I bet you thought I was reading David Copperfield all this time. Not even close. I haven’t begun to look for my copy of it yet. No, I’ve been Doing Christmas. I tried making divinity and ended up with vanilla soup. Only then Read the Rest…
November 23, 2014
Tags: Northwest Holiday Handmade
Let me tell you about my bizarre weekend. It’s one of those occasions you think you may laugh about in a year’s time but for now, all bets are off. This was my second year as part of an artist’s sale called Northwest Holiday Handmade. When I was invited to join last year I was Read the Rest…
November 16, 2014
Tags: 99 Girdles On the Wall, Ain't It the Truth, Harold Arlen
My mother died the day before Thanksgiving in 2007 and was buried a week later. My brother came for the burial. I wanted to do the service myself and I didn’t want anyone there who hadn’t been supportive of him and me. Four people made the cut: Lisa, my mother’s next door neighbor, Kathie, my Read the Rest…
November 7, 2014
Tags: 99 Girdles On the Wall
In the last few episodes you met my mother’s new priest who had decided I was the spawn of Satan. He (the priest, not Satan or the spawn) was determined to protect my mother from me. I was just as determined to limit his influence. Read on: The day after my mother and I received the news Read the Rest…
October 10, 2014
Tags: Grateful Dead, Paul Newman organic dog biscuits, urban wildlife
There is nothing as sweet as the calm after the source of anxiety has vacated the premises. In reference to my current situation, I believe the skunks have moved on. It was news to me that skunks could live in residential areas of a city when I first smelled them last spring. I came home Read the Rest…
September 21, 2014
Tags: Rats, Sagittarian, urban wildlife, wasps
You know sometimes you hear a noise in your house that you can’t identify? But one cat opens an eye and another one yawns. The third lifts his head up, but none of them summon a sense of danger or even curiosity. And so everyone relaxes. An hour later you find the shower curtain has Read the Rest…
August 22, 2014
Tags: Bright's Candies, Klickers, Mountain View Cemetery, Olive's Marketplace and Cafe, Walla Walla Roastery
For my annual pilgrimage to Walla Walla, I decided to fly instead of drive. I hadn’t flown since 2009 so I was rusty on the procedure. I scored an expedited pass so I didn’t have to take off my shoes, but the water bottle I meant to leave in the car was still in my Read the Rest…
August 9, 2014
Tags: All Present, Chattanooga Choo Choo, ESML.Early Stage Memory Loss, Greenwood Senior Center, Phinney Neighborhood Center, The OK Chorale
All Present, a song circle for people living with ESML (Early Stage Memory Loss) is in its second quarter. Almost everyone from the spring returned. It’s a peculiar feature of this group that if I hadn’t been told every one of these singers had some form of dementia, I wouldn’t have known. Some of them Read the Rest…
June 29, 2014
Tags: BFF cat food, Luddite, Walla Walla
Putzer the Attorney and I were sitting in my sun room this morning drinking coffee when she got a text from her husband James in Walla Walla. “Don’t forget your wallet,” it read. “Do you get tired of hearing that?” I asked her. “Yeah, it’s gotten annoying.” Of course you’ll all want to know what Read the Rest…
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