Archive for the ‘Friends’ Category
March 24, 2016
Tags: Fernando Pessoa, Roger Housden, Stephen Dunn, The Magic Mountain, The Phantom Tollbooth, The Relic Master, Whidbey Island
I’m on Whidbey Island for four days at Windhorse, the retreat center I visit every year when the Buddha House is available because the meditation cabins don’t have toilets and I’m sorry, I don’t leave the house to use the toilet. I need a modicum of comfort and the cabins, though lovely inside, don’t leave Read the Rest…
March 12, 2016
Tags: Alzheimer's disease, KCTS Arts channel
Doris is moving but I don’t think she’s going to notice. Doris is my friend with Alzheimer’s disease. Over the years I have spent many Friday evenings with Doris. My first visit set up a pattern: I walk in and introduce myself. She graciously responds. We chat about singing, music, and teaching. We watch MSNBC Read the Rest…
January 14, 2016
Tags: Asus, Best Buy, computer, grief, Seattle Laptop
Three weeks ago I set out to write another blog post about grief. It was going to be a calm, wise little reflection on a remark my (beloved) voice teacher Tommie had made. We were talking about the abysmal technical support that’s available for anyone over the age of 40 who is trying to cope Read the Rest…
November 24, 2015
Tags: Good King Wenceslas, Holiday Feast for a Hungry Choir, The Lumberjack Song, The OK Chorale
The OK Chorale lost one of our long time singers three days ago. Quite unexpectedly, Hal, our resident funnyman, died in his sleep. He was cheeky, irreverent, and a reliable bass with a lovely voice. When I got the news, I went trawling through my blog posts to find the ones he had starred in. Read the Rest…
November 8, 2015
Tags: Facebook, Frasier, Scrabble, Sherlock Holmes
Gwen, my neighbor who knows something about just about everything is home after what felt like six weeks but was only half that long. She was doing the European thing while I was home on Lucy duty. Lucy is her 15 year old gray and white with smudged-nosed cat. When Gwen goes away, she sets Read the Rest…
September 22, 2015
Tags: Bartell Drugs, Bite of Broadview, Christ the King Catholic Church, Foss Home, Good Shepherd Center, Nirvana, rosaries, Seattle Tilth, Starbursts
“Bite of Broadview” signs are popping up in my neighborhood. They sadden me partly because this particular event used to be called “Christ the King Harvest Festival” and the whole “Bite of” thing is so played and partly because I won’t be going. As I gotten older I’ve contracted a condition called Tofts. It flares Read the Rest…
September 12, 2015
Tags: book burning, Funk and Wagnalls, multi-culturalism, Perry Mason, political correctness, Richard's Wild Irish Rose wine, trigger warnings
I started writing this post at 10:00 last Sunday morning while sitting in my sun room surrounded by the junk of six households. It was day three of what I was calling my Farewell Yard Sale. It was the last sale I expect to do even though my mean friend (Tim) smirked when I said Read the Rest…
August 1, 2015
Tags: Comcast, mojito, Xfinity, yurt
Comcast changed its name to Xfinity (why?) a long time ago, but I still think of them as Comcast. Or more often, “Fucking Comcast.” For purposes of this narrative the company shall remain Comcast. Expletives may or may not be deleted. Several months ago Comcast began pushing a new and faster modem that would enhance Read the Rest…
March 1, 2015
Tags: Belly Dancing, Kindle, Rummage, yard sales
One of my side-lines is as a Value Village annex. All my friends know that I have a yard sale once a year. For years and years I slowly sold all the junk I had carted up to Seattle from my parent’s house in Olympia. As that stock declined I added things from the on-going Read the Rest…
January 16, 2015
Tags: Leave it to Beaver, Miranda, Perry Mason, Roosevelt Vision Clinic
This was supposed to be Pajama Week at Local Dilettante Studio. Instead I’ve been swimming in my own fluids for ten days. Warning: bodily functions to be reviewed. I squelched a sore throat shortly after New Years and was still congratulating myself when some unforgivably rude, over-achieving bacteria got into my left eye. I awoke Read the Rest…
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