Archive for the ‘Friends’ Category
June 18, 2014
Tags: 1954, Hempler, Susan Mrosek, The Pondering Pool, The Sandpiper, Year of the Horse
I’ve noticed that lots of writers do poems or prose pieces when they come upon significant birthdays and since I hope to be a writer if I grow up, I thought I’d mention that I turned 60 this month. A herd of my compatriots, all born in the Year of the Horse, 1954, have done Read the Rest…
May 8, 2014
Tags: Good Shepherd Center, Seattle Tilth, Wallingford
Seattle Tilth is an organization that helps people to grow their own organic food. They say this on their website in TilthSpeak, a dialect of GrantSpeak. But that’s neither here nor there. What is here, or rather was there is their spring edible plant sale, which I went to last Saturday. It was Tim’s idea. Read the Rest…
April 9, 2014
Two huge raccoons raced in front of me last night when I was calling the cats. The cats were sitting three yards away and refused to look at me, the person who feeds them. They were like people at a sports event waiting for a moment they had anticipated and fantasized about all season. The Read the Rest…
February 2, 2014
Tags: Miss Lemon, Netflix, Poirot, The Lady Vanishes
Previously on this blog, my neighbor Gwen who knows something about just about everything had fixed my wireless connection (without my interference because I was asked to leave the house) and had cabled my computer up to the TV with the cable that she bought (so as to get the correct one on the first Read the Rest…
January 26, 2014
Tags: crochets, HDMI cable, piano teaching
My new student Alexis is six years old, directive– bossy actually–and bright. She walks into the house in high-heeled sandals, and swathed in layers of leggings, dresses, and sweaters. She comes into the house talking about the dog she saw on the way to my house. She tells me what she has done in the Read the Rest…
January 13, 2014
Tags: 99 Girdles On the Wall, Heathman Hotel, Multnomah Whisk(e)y Library
In an effort to prolong the aura of my recent thirty hours in Portland I am writing up notes made over a bowl of beef stew in the Heathman Hotel restaurant. My former piano student Anna got me a rate at the hotel “where service is still an art” through her work at Rubicon International Read the Rest…
January 4, 2014
Tags: Denholm Elliott, Ralph Richardson, The Holly and the Ivy
Finally this story can be told. It should be said at once that the whole business is anti-climactic, but I am going ahead with it. It begins shortly after Thanksgiving Day when Gwen my neighbor who knows something about just about everything and I were planning our Christmas debauchery, to include a movie, a chicken, Read the Rest…
December 24, 2013
Tags: Christmas Eve Robert Browning, Hunt Club, Italian Art Songs, Sorrento hotel, The OK Chorale
It’s Christmas Eve (morning). There are streaks of rose madder in the sky. All is calm and bright before The Onslaught of Holiday. This morning I read Robert Browning’s (very) long poem “Christmas Eve.” A dream is set off by the poet going into a dreary church service on Christmas Eve, falling asleep during the Read the Rest…
December 9, 2013
Tags: Green Lake, Pathway of Lights, Steeleye Span, The King, The OK Chorale
The OK Chorale has sung itself into performance mode: two down and two to go. You still have a chance to hear us if you live in Seattle. We sang for Pinehurst Court, a senior housing complex, and home of the grandmother of one of our sopranos. It was a hot, crowded, noisy venue but Read the Rest…
November 28, 2013
Tags: Ballard Market, Hamlet, Libby Pumpkin Pie Filling, Smokin Petes
It’s Thanksgiving Morning. We all do this day differently. Not everyone loves the big, jovial family dinners. Not everyone even wants a big, jovial family. One of my students this week told me that the best Thanksgiving she ever had was spent with her dog, a bottle of champagne, and a box of chocolates. There Read the Rest…
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