Archive for April, 2020

FriendsLife During Covid-19

April 28, 2020

Living Like Animals

My garden is keeping me sane. I’ve been out there for several hours a day since the middle of March, grubbing in the dirt and blowing my nose on the inside of my t-shirt. Maybe that doesn’t sound quite sane but without the garden I feel certain I would have gained 100 pounds and would  Read the Rest…


April 15, 2020

A Night in the Caravan Park and an Experience of a Toilet

There are two Marks and Spencers in all of Cornwall; we stopped at the one in St Ives to get whatever we might need for the last evening of the holiday. We had to choose food for two meals, use the toilets and have tea in the café– one always has tea in the café  Read the Rest…

Charles DickensEnglandFamilyShakespeare

April 11, 2020

The Merry Maidens and the Pithy on a Rock Cake

Covid-19 (and my own laziness) has interrupted my travelogue of last September’s UK adventures.  I’d been a week on Islay in Scotland, then drove with my cousins in Somerset to Morvah, Cornwall.  It seems a very long time ago and it has done me good to revisit my journal and remember. Here is installment thirteen:  Read the Rest…

FriendsLife During Covid-19

April 1, 2020

Thoughts from the Sunny Side of the Street

At times when I have been seriously depressed and feeling like nothing short of oblivion is going to help, I have engaged in the homely task of listing anything I could scrape from the quotidian to appreciate. In this surreal time, optimism can be in short supply. So as a public service, I offer the  Read the Rest…